
I just love that word: GRACE!  It's amazing how in our weakest moments God's strength is so evident. It REALLY is! Drawing near to God during the darkest of times and well...all the time is the only way to get through all things. Throughout my life I have always defaulted to trying to be strong when things aren't  going great. In my own strength, I to try and grasp for some sort of control and understanding, I try and handle it all on my own. There are times that it has seemed like I'm actually doing it. Like, yeah! I got this!  I'm doing this! But eventually... it all falls apart and I recognize that, No, I actually don't.

I'm amazed at how in the midst of all my (clearly) wrong decisions made as a result of avoiding being weak, God still showers me with His grace.

As I grow older I have come to find comfort in the weakness. No one wants to be weak or feel helpless, in any situation and so there are many moments I still default. But now, more than ever, I just want to be in that space where "when I am weak,He is strong"  The beautiful place where I'm closest to my father and His Grace holds me together.