
6 steps to end the year strong!

If you currently aren’t where you want to be.

I can’t believe there are only 36 more days left in this year. 2018 has been an amazing year of Personal growth and development for me. I'm not sure I intentionally set out the year in pursuit of that, but I somehow found myself in that space.

What I did was just start working on me and various projects and goals. I was making decisions that inevitably pushed me to take steps forward. My ultimate goal was: to not be in the same place at the end of this year. I can confidently say, I accomplished a lot of what I set out to do. Obviously, there is still so much growth left, but do we ever stop growing? Nope! Not unless we choose too.

On October 1st, this year, I joined the Last 90 Day Challenge with Rachel Hollis. If you don’t know who she is or what that is, definitely google her. The purpose of the challenge is to end the year strong. Taking the last 90 days of the year, and working on you. The idea is not waiting until January 1st to kick off your goals. New years resolutions come with a lot of pressure and generally, end up fizzling out. If you walk into January already having started making progress, this just makes moving forward into the new year that much more exciting!

SO here we are, It’s almost the end of November. The sound of the holidays buzzing around us. And the year is coming to a close.

Have you been working on your goals and dreams? OR Are you in the same place you were January 1st, 2018?

If when you think about this year ending you are reminded of all of the things you purposed to do but haven’t yet. I’m here to tell you, the year isn’t over yet! It’s not too late to start. It’s not too late to end the year in a more positive space than you are now!

So, I wanted to share 6 very simple steps to ending this year strong. Steps that will guarantee you are ending this year in forward momentum!

Here we go…

  1. Write Down Your Goals. This is a very key step that I have practiced this year. Write your goals and dreams down! If you have already done this, and not made any forward motion, I encourage you to write them down, again.

    A little warning, this step may bring up some intense feelings of regret and disappointment. But here’s the deal, there is nothing you can do about the last 300 and whatever days. Don’t waste time beating yourself up. There is still days left in the year and regardless of what you have been taught, think or feel, the ultimate truth is: IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO START OR START AGAIN! Even if you start today and fall tomorrow. Get back up, dust yourself off, and keep on going. Even if you are reading this and the year is over and its officially 2019, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO START OR START AGAIN!

    SO what did you want to do in this year but haven’t started yet? Did you want to begin your Healthy living lifestyle? Working out? Maybe you wanted to learn how to play guitar or wanted to start a blog, grow your existing business or start a new business venture or side hustle.

    Whatever it is, write it down on a brand new page! This will make it fresh and new again. It will bring it back to life for you by stirring up the hope and excitement you had when you prayed and purposed to do it initially. The joy you had when you planned all about how to get it done. It will kick off your goal to end this year strong.

  2. Write Down The First 3 ACTION Steps These are the first steps towards accomplishing what you want to do. For example: What are the first action steps to starting your new blog? Do you pick a name, open a site, write the first blog post & publish? Make sure that these steps are action steps. What we want to do here is guarantee we are making progress! 

  3. Share Them With Someone Close To You Share it with someone who can hold you accountable, someone who is rooting for you and wants to see you win. Maybe that’s a friend, your husband, or maybe you are part of a great online community of mom’s or women in business. Tell them how you are taking action for the remaining days in the year, what your actions steps are and that you will share with them how it’s going. Ask them to check in on you and hold you accountable. This forces you to stick to your word. And is also another action step. We are taking all the action steps we can take to make sure that when January hits, we are in forward motion.

  4. Take action Good news! you have already started making progress by writing your goals down and sharing them. Yay! we are already in forward motion. Now, you are just continuing on by taking action on the first 3 steps you laid out. There is no way around this or easy way to do this, you just have to… START! Confidence comes and builds with each step forward you take. If there is fear, you have to push through it, insecurities, fight through them, doubts, overcome them by, TAKING ACTION!

    If you try something and you fail: First off all, give yourself grace. As horrible as it may feel, it’s all part of the journey and everyone who tries something in life, goes through it. Don’t quit, say to yourself “I’m starting again right now!” Don’t allow anytime to wallow. GET BACK UP and keep on keeping on! Because you deserve this and you can DO THIS! Check out the Mel Robbins 5 second rule it’s changed my life.

  5. Stay In Your Own Lane: Friends, don’t look to the left or right and compare yourself to others. I know this is a hard one for all of us. So begin by telling yourself that You, the authentic you, is ENOUGH and is SO VERY MUCH LOVED. Take the time to celebrate the steps you have taken and progress you are making regardless of how little, it may seem. Every step forward IS a step forward.

  6. Take The Time To Practice Gratitude Daily. Being grateful changes your perspective immensely. It has a way of shifting the way you perceive yourself. It picks you up and psychs you up to keep on going. It makes life so much more beautiful and gives you hope and drive to continue believing and taking action. Begin to develop this practice everyday. Daily Gratitude makes what you are doing so much bigger than, just you!

    And there you have it! ;)

    These 6 steps, if you start them today will guarantee that you end the year stronger. They will guarantee that you end the year in forward motion, and set you up to continue building momentum in 2019. Can you believe that? It’s going to be 2019!!

I hope you enjoyed reading this! If you did, feel free to share it with someone whom you feel may benefit from it!

Until next time, friends!

You are loved