I just completed 100 days of thanksgiving the other day. Everyday (for 100days) I chose to list things that I was thankful for. Believe it or not, we are not grateful by default. It wasn't easy but, I realized that the more I did it, the easier it became. I also recognized the positive impact it had on, well...everything! Studies have shown that there are tremendous benefits of gratitude on a person as a whole. To summarize, this quote pretty much says it all:

It’s not happy people who are thankful, it’s thankful people who are happy

So in the spirit of wanting to encourage others to also choose gratitude. I came up with a list of (totally random) things to be thankful for. Let's be honest, even though we know there is a ton of things to be thankful for, it's most often easier to get caught up with all the negativity that is so prevalent in our world right now.

I hope you choose gratitude today.

In no particular order here are 60 Things To Be Thankful For:

  1. That you woke up today
  2. Heat
  3. Health - good or bad
  4. A bed to sleep in every night
  5. Education
  6. Your significant other
  7. Your parents - because without them you wouldn't be here today
  8. Music
  9. Running water
  10. All types of transportation
  11. Clothes and shoes to wear
  12. Dishwashers
  13. Laundry machines
  14. Fireplaces
  15. Food to eat
  16. Bathtubs
  17. Cooking videos on Facebook
  18. Date nights
  19. Good friends
  20. Meeting new friends
  21. Books
  22. Family - brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, in-laws
  23. Bad experiences 
  24. Adventures
  25. All the different cultures in our world 
  26. Opportunities
  27. Love
  28. Loss
  29. Pain
  30. Tears
  31. Kindness
  32. Joy
  33. Sunshine
  34. Rain
  35. Snow
  36. This moment
  37. Laughter 
  38. Chocolate
  39. Children
  40. Your home
  41. "Netflix and Chill"
  42. Coffee
  43. Wine
  44. Electricity
  45. The internet
  46. Google
  47. Weekends
  48. Bedtime
  49. Holidays
  50. Successes
  51. Failures
  52. Mistakes
  53. The past
  54. Dreams and Passions
  55. Memories
  56. Freedom
  57. That you are forgiven
  58. That you are loved
  59. Hope
  60. For Grace which we can't earn and don't deserve but yet still receive