Hey Friends, Its been awhile. So much has changed, so much has happened. I’m happy to be back, to share a bit of my life with you again.
Recently, I’ve been thinking about time and just how fast it goes. Last year this time our baby girl Ariah (yes, we had another one lol) had taken over our lives. It was nothing but feedings and little to no sleep. It was in that time that God dropped the most amazing opportunity in my life.
I love when He does that. When we pray and He answers. Never in the way you thought he would, but always so very creatively and beautifully.
Years ago I had big ideas and dreams to start my own online clothing business for women as a means to encourage, inspire and empower, to spread hope and love. BUT so much was going on in our life at the time and things didn’t line up. I was busy with my son and all his therapy and programming, desperately trying to get him a diagnosis (that’s a whole other blog post). And there was also a lot of other not-so-easy things to walk-through, that happened. So, I just gave it to God. He knew my heart, my dreams and desires. And I knew He had a plan in it all.
Then a year, almost two later, we decided to sell our home and move to another city. The dream remained a dream and was somewhat forgotten.
I got caught up in life here. In settling down, getting our son situated in the right programs and school. Then we got pregnant with our beautiful daughter and had an extremely hard pregnancy and difficult birth (whole OTHER blog)
SO fast forward to October 2017. My daughter was almost 3 months old. My life had once again changed and this time, I felt completely lost and uneasy. I felt like I was losing myself and began praying for answers. And well… he answered. A friend of mine posted something on Facebook that just caught a hold of my attention in a way I can’t quite explain... It was this thing that fit everything i wanted/needed and I couldn’t resist. I needed to jump in.
I always tell people God just threw it in my lap and I picked it up and ran with it. Now here I am 1 year later, I just celebrated my 1st year as a Stylist for Silver Icing, one of the most amazing companies EVER! Through this business I have been blessed with so much and a community of women I didn’t know I needed. Sure it looks very different then what I had dreamed and that is ok because I ABSOLUTELY love it and now can’t imagine it any other way.
This year hasn’t been perfect or easy. I have stumbled through it, made mistakes, tried things and failed and as a result, grown immensely. But the the one thing I can truthfully say is, I NEVER GAVE UP. And there were many times I wanted to.
I love that I can look back and see how I’ve been changed by a year of discovering entrepreneurial dreams in my heart that I never know existed. Diving fully into the roll of MOMpreneur, realizing I have so many other gifts that play a role in my calling and purpose. Feeling more confident and brave to step into what God has for me knowing this is just the beginning.
So I don’t know where you are today, maybe you feel lost like I did. Maybe you have a dream and you just don’t know how it’s going to work out or, you are needing the confidence to just take the first step into what you feel called to. Whatever it is, wherever you are, just start somewhere and DON’T GIVE UP! It’s going to be scary and you are going to make mistakes and fumble through it, but who knows what other amazing things will be awakened in you when you take that first step.
You are capable, you have what it takes, you are MORE then enough, it’s not too late to start!!!
Just start… AND DON’T GIVE UP!!!
And remember this always… YOU ARE LOVED!