
Today is the first day of November and I’ve committed with some girlfriends to kick off this month with a two week long, Random Acts Of Kindness Challenge.

A Random Act Of Kindness is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a good deed done to another. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture or be time consuming. It’s as simple as a compliment to a stranger when you are walking down the street.

If you have ever had someone do something kind to you completely out of the blue, you know that It feels good to be the recipient of a kind deed. I believe it is so crucial with the state of our world to be people who are intentional about spreading hope & joy, by putting our love in to action. 

Random Acts of Kindness are easy, but as humans we often have the ability to overthink things. I am 100% guilty of overthinking. So, if you want to participate, but maybe don’t know where to start, here are some ideas to get you brainstorming and get you going:

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And there you have it. So simple. No need to over think it. It’s super easy and the opportunities are endless!

Now let’s go make a difference one small act of kindness at a time!.

And always remember that…

You Are Loved
